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A member registered Jan 25, 2021

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OMG nice!

Interesting idea! Now shoot tired coworkers towards angry bosses to defeat them!! 馃槀 Great graphics. 

Great game! A bit disturbing BGM, but satisfying SFX. The rock mechanic is powerful but a bit non intuitive to use and slow to come to the character, which I don't quite like.

Interesting game! Good job on the artwork. Combo-ing multiple stones with bounce was satisfying!
Could have added some background music for the ambiance. It should not be game over when everything has been cut on the map. Also, I would like to see the remaining items when their number becomes too small. Anyway, it was a great game overall.

Yup you can dig into any future position. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks. Glad you liked it!

Glad those turned out decent! It is impossible for the designer himself to test it. So I just kinda prayed the locations would be not too hard or to easy.

Glad you liked it!!


Thanks! That's what Game Jams are for. To come up with and prototype cool ideas!!

Thanks for trying out my game! The concept seemed simple and elegant when I first thought about it. But in the end, it became a real mess, and it took quite some work to make something playable out of it. But thanks for playing and congrats on completing it!!!

Grievance increases by 1 if the citizens don't get enough food. This will happen if you do not let farmers work and they also don't have enough stockpiled food. So ideally, do No Tax first for 1 -2 turns, then, do No Work.

Sorry for the bug. I didn't test it out so thoroughly. 

Nice and innovative idea. Great artwork!

Ah that's why you wanted to see the individual stats. Hmm. I could have sent out a warning on farmers whose grievance gets to 3. Maybe color them orangish. 
But again, thanks for your valuable time. It made my day! Its amazing you figured out almost all of the rules and the winning strategy so accurately!

Thanks a lot! Sorry, didn't have time for enough visuals to acually bring out the charm.

I thought people would just give 2-3 turns of no work or no tax rather than figuring out individually which citizen needs it. Regarding the drag and drop, agreed that it could have been a quick but valuable addition. 

Honestly I didn't think anyone would bother playing more than a minute. Thank you so much for your valuable time and feedback.
This took way too much time and mechanically turned out so so so different than I had originally planned that I was ready to give up multiple times in the last few days. Your comment makes me glad I didn't give up and finished it however it turned out. 

(3 edits)

If the king eats > 2 food, his fat increases by food - 2. Can eat up to  6 food per turn. Fat increases by 1 less if king has < 100 health. Also at 100 health, and 2 food, fat increases by 0.2.
If you consume < 2 food, fat and health decreases.

Good animations. Neat and complete.

Incredible animations! Good brain work for those like me who suck at Geography!

Nice idea!

Glad you liked it!! Can't say I had any particular game in mind as a model for this one. 

Have added a color picker. This should solve your problem. Thanks!

Sorry to hear about your condition. I will make this change tomorrow morning. Does making the background white work? Or are you having trouble differentiating between the different balls too? 
I have a total of 5 levels btw. first 3 levels with <= 3 hexes, and then two more complicated ones.

Glad you liked the levels! I replicated a major chunk of the code from a larger project. 

Glad you liked the puzzle! Sorry for the audio!


Glad you liked it! The slice mechanic took the time. I couldn't find any built-in functionality for that, and I had to manually set which parts of the texture had to be rendered each time it was sliced. If you have seen similar games or know of such functionality already existing, Do let me know.

Really good difficulty balancing! It felt really tense, hard, but also doable. The feeling of almost "Ooh I almost failed". I don't know how u balanced that well under 3 hours, but really really good job!

Really Cool idea! Would have loved to see more levels but good presentation of the concept in 3 hours

Great game!

Nice effects! I would have liked the bullet lines to disappear immediately instead of lingering for a few seconds. Appears odd if the character has moved away.

Nice game! Nice art! really well done under 3 H

Great game! instead of requiring the same number of pieces for all, a really skewed requirement would have spiced up the difficulty a bit, eg: 20, 2, 2

Thanks! Took me really long to get it right

Thanks for playing!
Basically, the player is meant to point towards the enemy and dash to attack. That's why the sword points towards the mouse. Apologize if the controls were a bit confusing. I tried to make it as intuitive as possible. 

Glad you liked it. Agreed, the controls are not smooth. It's my first platformer. Will do better next time.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for the feedback

Thanks! True, I should focus more on level design.

Very challenging, but in a good way. Nicely done!

There are some glitches, but overall cool game! 

Beautiful concept! Great level design! Simplistic but solid Artwork!